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KJ and Lila

It's good to get to know each other. Here's a little of my story...

About Me

I'm a homeschooling mum and I LOVE my family. I'm passionate about home education and run several groups to support home educating families both online and in real life

My family also includes some special needs and that's really how I got interested in nutrition.

It all started when I was diagnosed with ME in the early 2000s and had to drop out of my Management Science degree in my final year. I caught meningitis and glandular fever during fresher's week and it destroyed my immune system. 

I was having so many drug interactions and my poor doctor didn't know what to do. It was when they ended up admitting me to hospital (again) to monitor my breathing because they needed to take me off a drug that was keeping my pleurisy under control that I started to realise that no matter how many pills I was taking, I really wasn't getting better.  

In constant pain, I decided to start studying complementary medicine, instead of business, in an attempt to aid my own recovery. Through that course my eyes were opened to some incredible therapies, including nutrition, but also reflexology, different types of massage, infant massage and more. 

During this course was when I became pregnant with my eldest. My GP wasn't convinced I was going to cope with the pregnancy in the state of health I was in, but we made it through. 

Not the magical home birth I'd hoped for!!

My son was everything to me and I threw myself into being a stay at home mother, but the exhaustion was killing me. 

After my second child, who I was told would not survive the pregnancy, was born, my eldest was diagnosed with autism. He was not even three years old yet. 

I'm a researcher by nature, and I threw myself in to learning everything I could about autism and how I could help my son integrate into a society that may not understand him. It was during this time that a paediatrician asked for my medical history. He said 'the mothers of autistic children are never healthy'.  

We weren't sent on a parenting course by our health visitor and for the first time I heard that some children with autism respond well to specific diets. I also found out that the exact same diet can help some people with ME. We launched into it and have never looked back*. 

It really was life changing for us as a family, and it renewed my interest in nutrition, so I went back to studying (this time a distance course with a university in London) and became a nutritionist. The more I learned, the more excited I became. I'm passionate and evangelical about how our bodies can heal themselves if we give them the right building blocks to do so. 

I became so excited about this approach to wellness, that I started to focus more and more on it, and have trained with the Juice Academy to become a natural Juice Therapist too.

I also became interested in essential oils. I had learned some aromatherapy as part of my massage courses, but I hadn't found it to be particularly effective. It was only 'ok' and I didn't seem to see a big difference when using oils. My research told me that certain oils should be effective, but I couldn't see that and often had allergy type skin reactions to them. Eventually I found that I was probably just using cheap synthetic oils. Essential oils only need to be about 30% oil to be labelled as "100% pure". It's incredibly frustrating, but I soon found out that if I bought more expensive oils from well researched companies, I no longer had skin reactions and they were MUCH more effective. 

This is what led me into researching better quality Essential Oils, and eventually to DoTERRA. I was immediately put off by the fact that it is an MLM or Multi-level marketing company. My mindset told me that meant 'pyramid scheme' and I committed to just using the oils and not selling them... but they worked so well for me, that I wanted to share them with my clients too! I started embarrassedly telling people about them, but not giving them my sales link because I didn't want to devalue my business by being a network marketer. 

Over time, I've changed my mind. 

One of the things I have come to love about network marketing is the relationships and discipleship aspects of it. Sure, there are people who buy from me and never want and email/text/video chat. They just want their product and that's fine. 

Then there are others who I meet with on a video conference every month and we chat about our favourite products, health concerns, family relationships.... everything really. They're my tribe and we text and pray for each other in many areas, not just business, and I get to support them in building their businesses, if that's what they want.  I'm learning that far from 'using' the people in my downline, Network Marketing is about loving and supporting people in business and in life - which as a christian I find life-giving and exciting. 

I also want to support people and give them access to starting health journeys, even if they don't sign up to my business model. That's why I created 'Restoration Health'. It's a group of therapists from all kinds of different disciplines who work together to put on free events in our community that help people to become more informed and make good decisions regarding their health. You can find our events on facebook here

I'm really passionate about empowering people to take positive steps in managing their own health care and wellness, and also about God's design for health, so if you have an event you'd like me to speak at that relates to either of those two things, I'd love you to get in contact. I don't charge anything, just my travel expenses, and if I'm available I'll come. Please do bear in mind that I have a pretty busy schedule though, so I need lots of notice!

* I don't consider my child to be 'cured' of autism by diet, but it certainly helps him to be less frustrated and overwhelmed; it minimises his stress and allows him to function in a way that means most people assume he is neurotypical now, unless they know him very well. 


What Clients Are Saying

Want to know what it’s like to work with me?
Look no further. Here you will find a variety of client reviews and feedback about their sessions.
If you want to see for yourself, don't hesitate to book your initial consultation today. Your health is in good hands when you work with me.

“Working with KJ Gracie was a life-changing experience. I learned how to take control of my own health through reasonable changes I can actually apply to my life. KJ Gracie gave me some of the most helpful tips and tricks, and helped me become a more healthy and have more energy. I highly recommend booking a appointment.”


“So grateful to meet with KJ and be in receipt of her vast array of nutritional knowledge! I am now a water drinker, am mindful of which foods I'm eating, include nuts and seeds in my diet, limit sugar, caffeine and excess wheat, am an avid juicer, don't buy 'low calorie ' food and feel much healthier for it! I can recommend a visit as it helped me to 'get on track'.”


“KJ is second to none in her passion and commitment to wellness through natural resources. Her knowledge is encyclopaedic, and she's always ready to go the extra mile to help.”


So thankful to have had KJs support and knowledge. I suffer from fibromyalgia and after years of not being able to lose weight, with the help of KJ the weight is finally shifting and my pain levels have significantly improved. I’ve taken it one step at a time to change my lifestyle habits and KJ has been there with me. Would highly recommend a visit, my pain levels and daily life are greatly improved.


If you would like to hear about more experiences or write your own testimonial, please get in touch.

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